visit Sage's Apples Farm market | Open Daily
Pick Your Own
Pick Your Own is now finished for 2024
Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop
Pick a day to sign up for. We will have about an hour talk inside the warm barn and then venture outside to get hands on pruning of Apples, Peaches, Pears, Grapes, Blueberries and Raspberries. We will have multiple experts available to talk about your specific variety and other questions regarding pruning.
2025 Sign up Today!
March 22nd 9am-4pm
March 29th 9am-4pm
Explore Ransom Sage farm

U-Pick Dahlias
Dahlias will begin in Late July. Bring a bucket if you are a serious picker, we have water. We hope they will begin to produce flowers in late August - October. More Info

Apples U-Pick
Our Pick-Your-Own Apples can be picked from August through - October. We will not run out of apples, we will continue to open up new rows and varieties to be picked. We have around 15 apple varieties to be piecked through the season. More Info

Honeycrisp - August 31st
First day to pick Honeycrisp is Saturday August 17th 2024. Honeycrisp will ripen slowly and continually through September. We will have many Honeycrisp to sell in our market hopefully through the spring. Our orchard is close to the barn and parking. Pay for your bag first at the Raspberries or in the barn. More Info

U-Pick Raspberries in the field
Our specialty is fruit! Our field of Raspberries is doing well. It produces a summer crop Mid June-Aug and fall croping varieties Aug-Oct. They ripen continually through October. More Info

U-Pick Apples
Our Pick-Your-Own apple orchard is far back behind our barn. This orchard offers, Ginger gold , Gala, Jonamac MacIntosh, Holiday, Melrose, Jonagold, Golden Delicious, Mutsu. Plan to walk and keep in mind this orchard is only open on the weekends. The Honeycrisp orchard directly behind the barn will be open regular hours. More Info