Ransom Alden Sage

Was the first Sage born in Geauga County and made our current farmland purchase in 1867.

David Nye Sage

Son of Ransom.

Allen Ransom Sage

Allen and Eleanor Sage are the patriarchs of Sage's Apples. Eleanor Sage is now 94 years old.

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Benjamin and polly Sage family

Our growing family welcomes you to our new farm. The 6th generation is helping us clear land, plant berries and tie trellis. Pictured is three generations Bob and Linda Sage & Benjamin and Polly Sage with children David, Elisabeth, Walker, Alden, Miles and Oak.

Sage's Apples

Our farm market is open daily all year.

Apple Picking

We have many apple varieties to pick. Our Primary varietiy is Honeycrisp which gets ripe the last weekend of August and we continue through October with Ginger Gold, Sweet MAIA, Gala, Jonamac, MacIntosh, Holiday, Melrose, Jonagold, Mutsu, Golden Delicious, Topaz and a few others.

Red Raspberries

We will have Pick Your Own raspberries from June - October. We have Pink and Golden berries as well as 12 varieties of Red Raspberries so they rippen continually.

pick your own family fun Weekends Sept & oct